Monday, 21 June 2010

My 3rd blogoversary

It has been three wonderful years since I'm a proud blogger. On June 13 2007 I did my very first post and was so skeptical about how long I would blog and how many posts I would make and the kinda response I would get from my readers. But, my expectation have all been more than answered to with 435 posts, numerous friends and well wishers, lots of fame, quite a bit of money and so much confidence and morale support that I got during my dull times I'm so happy that I got into blogging and I appreciate each of your views and suggestions that I have always been open to.. It is only coz of you blog friends that I'm able to keep going ..

I would like to consider this a wonderful opportunity to thank you all for your support and encouragement and connecting to me via my blog. Will always be here to keep this space alive and kicking, please excuse my absence coz I'm in this hectic training program being conducted by my organization. But, this is not gonna keep me long away from blogging .. See you all soon :) :)


Unknown said...

Congrats..keep going!

Gowrisankar said...

congrats.. shaloo. don't be surprised if i tell you that i got inducted to blogging only after i started following your blog.

Gowrisankar said...
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Anonymous said...

Your Blog is a TREAT

karthik s said...

awesome.. congos.. :))

Asha said...

congrats shalini, Your blogs have mature content considering your age, especially your MMI's. I miss them so much now. Keep blogging and yes, you were tagged long back by me, you have'nt kept up your promise. when you find time, definitely do it.


KG said...

hey Shalooo - Congrats and Keep going.

btw, enjoy Goa - Loooots to see :))

Anonymous said...

Congrats Shalini! Missing your Monday Morning Inspirations.

chithra said...

Congrats Shalini! Keep up the good work! Looking forward to your MMI's

SATHIYA said...

Congratulations Shaloo!. I miss MMI's these days, I know you're busy and you will resume soon, so looking fwd. BTW, most of the I catch up things through blog, so keep it going for many more years!