Monday, 5 September 2011

10 Day you challenge - Day 4 of 10, 7 Wants

This is part of the 10 Day you challenge that I started here.

There are so many things that I want and my wants keep changing with time. But, here are my 7 wants that has remained my wants for quite sometime now ...

1. A vacation lasting for 2 weeks every 3 months :)
2. A happy, peaceful, healthy and fun filled life with family and friends like the way it has always been *touch wood*
3. A day for myself once every month
4. Time to sit out and blog every time I feel like
5. To own a restaurant chain, I wouldn't mind owning a hotel or resort either ;) ;)
6. To be in touch with friends and family always ....
7. To go Shopping !! :D

The last wants sums it all up :) :)


sheila said...

same pinch for #1 and #7 :)

Sundar said...

...except that Sheil would list #7 as her #1 ;)

sheila said...

What shalu...still satisfying your wants????? :)

Shalini Gowrisankar said...


:) :) finally u got me back to making my next post :) Thankssss a lott !

Shalini Gowrisankar said...


I wouldn't mind interchanging the two as well :) :)