Tuesday, 27 September 2011

All that I do when I am by myself ..

I just realised I am totally bad at leading a disciplined life .. like trying to sleep early, bring in some exercise into my daily routine etc .. However, I also just realised when I am living all by myself away from home, away from friends I kind of tend to do a lot more stuff that I happen to do when I am at home in Chennai.

Two days away in Trivandrum, and I am happy to do a lot of things that I love doing, but haven't been able to do for months together now.

  • Trying to blog almost everyday

  • Watching travel and living all evening along and into the night as I fall asleep

  • Read half of lonely planet magazine during my flight journey

  • Go to sleep early and surprising get up early as well

  • My window looks into a carpet of green, with acres of banana and coconut grooves

  • The sun set along the west coast is beautiful, from the cafeteria at my client's place it is so refreshing to enjoy an evening tea watching the sunset in the orange sky amidst the stretch of cocnut agrooves and banana plantations as the waves hit the shore in the Shangumugam beach.. truly beautiful !

Lot more nice stuffs to be enjoyed during my another week long stay at the Godd's own place :) :)

P.S. Since I am here on work, this is all I could do over the evenings, apart from visiting Dhabbas around the place for Dinner.

Sunday, 25 September 2011

10 Day you challenge - Day 6 of 10, Five Foods

I'm sure all of you who have been regular readers of this blog space would sure know my love for good food, now having to select just five food stuff makes me feel I'm not doing enough justic to all the good food I have tasted.

However, to go with the theme of the meme I will stick on to listing out five of my favourite food stuff.

1. The thokkus made by my grandmom (Tomato and Mango)
2. The Dal Tadka made by my mom
3. The Veg Galouti kebab from the Great Kebab factory
4. Veg. Biriyani with Onion Raitha
5. Thin crust wood fired Pizaas

I am yet to talk about spinach, corn and mushroom baked pasta, a list of desserts, mocktails et all. It is so much fun when we live to eat !!

The best thing about food and eating is, whatever we are doing in life we need to stop it all to come and savour the delicacies each time .. everyday ! :)

P.S. Sadly I just realised I have no good picture of my favourite food stuffs. Giving me another opportunity to go have these items all over again and clicks pictures of them ;) *slurp*

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

10 Day you challenge - Day 5 of 10 , 6 places

The thought that I had a blog and I miss writing in it continued for over couple of weeks until I saw my aunt's comment asking if I was still satisfying my wants .. Seeing the 5th challenge was to list 6 places nothing could really stop me from getting to do this right away ..

Places to visit has been one of the hottest topic for discussion right from folks at home to friends to colleagues to clients. It looks like six places is a little too less, however I will group the places I would love to visit and the ones I have loved being in as well.

1. Europe (Rome, Italy, UK, Scotland, Venice, Switzerland etc ... )
2. USA
3. The Whole of India
4. Carribean
5. South Africa
6. Australia

Now that is just a big picture :) I would love to hear your favorite places as well !!

Monday, 5 September 2011

10 Day you challenge - Day 4 of 10, 7 Wants

This is part of the 10 Day you challenge that I started here.

There are so many things that I want and my wants keep changing with time. But, here are my 7 wants that has remained my wants for quite sometime now ...

1. A vacation lasting for 2 weeks every 3 months :)
2. A happy, peaceful, healthy and fun filled life with family and friends like the way it has always been *touch wood*
3. A day for myself once every month
4. Time to sit out and blog every time I feel like
5. To own a restaurant chain, I wouldn't mind owning a hotel or resort either ;) ;)
6. To be in touch with friends and family always ....
7. To go Shopping !! :D

The last wants sums it all up :) :)

Saturday, 3 September 2011

10 Day you challenge - Day 3 of 10

Eight fears on Day 3 has taken me a long time to come up with .. But I never thought I would be doing it from Yelagiri hills .. I'm right now on a weekend getaway in Yelagiri hills with my parents, thinking about getting back to work on Monday seems to me my biggest fear now ..

I just realized that there is very little that I fear .. And after thinking for quiet sometime I have failed to come up with as manty as eight of them .. But here are a few that I could think of at the moment ..

1. I'm super scared of snakes, I kind of hate to even think about the creepy crawlers ..
2. I fear watching horror movies ...

That is all I could think .. Could you think of anything else that would scare me .. What's is that you fear the most about ??