Global warming being the hot topic world over, each one of us have got our part to play to create awarness and
take steps to reduce global warming. First thing we can do is to show our concern by participating in the "88888 Lights out" campaign. Switch off your lights on August08 2008 at 8.00pm for 8 minutes in public display of unity in supoort off the fight against Global Warming. Lets join Hands .

Here is
my tag on Global warming which I took up few months back.
since last month if im not mistaken, we (my colleague & I) need to switch off the light in the pantry @office when they're not in use.. :P I do my part and I feel good!!
One good news is that the hole in the Ozone layer is closing. and it would be completely closed in 2050. but we can accelerate it by helping.
First we need to convert all our lights to CFL,making this change alone would lead us to save 20% of the power we use!
i wanna switch this computer off. but how can i read your blog?
If people in Beijing would have done that, they would have had a hard time conducting the opening ceremony!
Great job! Keep it up :)I do the same thing in my class room too. Lets do our part for a safe world :)
Thats news to me. Thanks for sharing the info. I shall check that site out soon :)
@Sriram jp
Energy conservation + helps prevent GW..I will take the initiative in my home before I could suggest to it anyone else. Thanks for sharing :)
You can shut it down once your donw with all ur job(unlike me), instead of leving it in stand by mode
Lol.. yea! You got the point right there :)
In my house in Singapore, my computer(server) and my internet modem and wireless router, haven't been switched off for more than a year.
i am truly shamed for being part of the contribution to global warming.
after reading your post i have asked my mother to switch off my PC in Singapore and only switch it on when i need to access it.
i guess your little post went a long way.
i somehow doubt that many people did it.. concidering how many were watching the opening ceremony of Olympics at that time
oh god...now u tell me...i would've loved to help the cause ;(
ahem ahem...would u mind knocking off the word verification pls...kinda puts off any one who wants to comment and how do u get so many comments..no one comments over my blog ;(
That's ok, that was unintentional rite. If you had known, Im sure you would have switched it off. I'm glad my post brought in some good effect in support of the notion :)
I doubt that as well, all that I did was switch off all the lights but my T.V was still on ;)
@Kamal kannan
It's never too late, you can still contribute to the cause in your own special way. Sure, I will remove the word verification thingy soon.
May be your new to the blogsville, as time passes by you will be having loads of readers visting your page and eventually lots of comments as well :)
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