This time over I have seven awards to give away . Feel really happy as I guess this is the highest no. of awards I have recieved or given away in a single post :)
Lena over at Smile!Tomorrow could be a lot worse has awarded me with these awards. Thanks Lenu , you always make my day with ur encouraging comments and not to forget those lovely awards you have decked up my blog space with :) Thanks gal! :)
The first award I have here is ' Interesting blogger award' from Lena - Glad to know that you find my blog interesting. Feel truly honored

I would like to pass this award on to Anoop, Preetilata, Vasanthan,Melanie, Lenaand Shionge
The next award in line is the "Best blogging buddies award" - Lena, I'm really happy to have met you through blogging too :)

The next award is the friendly site award which I would like to pass it over to everyone in my blogroll :)

I would also like to pass over the forever friends awards to everyone on my blogroll :)

The next one is "you make my day" award

I would like to pass this award to Lena, Melanie, Shanthini, Anoop, Vasanthan, Drama diva.
The next two awards are from Melanie at Livinwithme . Thanks for these awards Mel! It's always been a pleasure reading your blogs. Keep up the good work :)
I would like to pass on the Break out blogger award to

And the last but not the least award is the "Excellent blogger award"

Enjoy your awards and have a great weekend! :)
Hi Shalini..Thanks for the lovely gesture in the form of awards..appreciate it.
Do not hesitate to get from me to you too at here:
CU around my dear.Have a gr8 w/end and be happy always.Take care yea.
Thanks for the awards. i really appreciate them. awards like these encourages me to write more
oh god. it's raining award on me. gal u dont know how much u encourage me alwys thru ur commnts and nw thru ur awrds. u r just awesome. m lucky to know u. thnx shalini for bng one of my biggest support. :)
congrts dear. u hv a long way to go. just wt and watch... many more accolades are waiting for u in ur life's journey. all d bst shalini.
dearie infact i hv gt sm awrds 4 u. will put them up soon.
tk cr..hugsss
:) :) :)
Wow- you have certainly been given a lot of awards and you truly deserve them. Congrats!
Thanks for the awards you picked for me. You're so sweet.
wow wow wow - three awards for me... am jumping with joy :-D thnx a lot da... and congratz to u for getting all teh awards and giving it to us.. will surely take it and pass it around... :)
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