They say experience is the best teacher and the one who says that should have seen a lot in their life. Wise and Otherwise is a complimation of 51 short stories or real life experiences of Sudha's that are thought provoking in ways small and big. We all love listening to stories and experiences of others, reading through this book reminded me of listening to stories during my moral instruction or value education classes in school.
The reading is simple and light, each story is no longer the 4 - 5 pages. A must read and one of my favourite of Sudha Murthy's writing.
I really wish there could be a online version to buy these books rather waiting to buy the book itself. Even though I like to read books, some times I forgot to pick them from India. I am guessing you post would be helpful to avoid that going forward.
me too wish her books had online version...never thought I would say this but I'm really liking flipping thru books on iPad :) will def pick it up during India trip
I have read this book along with two other books authored by her called 'How i taught my grandmother to read' and another titled 'The old man and other stories'
Though they are a mix of heartwarming and thoughtprovoking reads, I sometimes become critical thinking how she could have encountered so many incidents in life. May be, like she herself adds in one of her foreword - she observes pople around her.
BTW a hearty welcome to this series on book read :)
@DG @sheila
You can try downloading the e-book version of wise and otherwise here
Hope this helps or would remind you about picking a copy when you are in India :)
Thank you very much :) I haven't read her other books that you have listed .. Will pick it up the next time I visit the book store ..
I believe most of her experiences are through the insights she gets when observing people around her .. I only people watch most of the times ;)
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