Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Happy friendship day wishes :)

Friendship day always created a kinda stir in me, right from the times I remember. I guess I first celebrated friendship day when I was in my sixth standard and almost a week before the day I used to plan out on the number of friendship bands and cards I will have to get for all my friends. I remember times when I ended up getting around thirty to fourty bands covering all my friends from school, colony, music class, drawing class, friends from my van with whom I used to travel to school everyday....

I still have those colorful bands which my friends gave me.. It meant so much to me then and it still does.. Now at a time when I am through college and when most of us are entering post graduate studies or turning into working professionals I am still glad that my close ones know how much these bands mean to me .. Thou they call em kiddish and stuff I am glad and delighted to get friendship bands from close friends :))

The beautiful memories, fun times in school/college, crazy fun at each others home, group studies, fun college trips, school camps, dance competitons, culturals, college fests, fights, arguments, those long phone talks, crazy car rides, eating out, movies and all those stuff that I truly miss doing now.

Thank you all for the beautiful memories that you ve brought into my life :) Many happy friendship day wishes :)


Unknown said...

Belated friendship day wishes to u too...I can understand the feeling for friendship bands...becos I treasure a box of them as well :)

karthik s said...

i'll ship a friendship band to ur UK address next yr.. promise.. :)

Shalini Gowrisankar said...


I'm glad you don' consider me kiddish :))


Wow ! thats so sweet of you .. Thank you very much :)

Vijay G S said...

many friends and many bands... good to see that.