Wednesday, 28 July 2010

A bird sitting on a branch is not afraid of the branch shaking , because it trusts not the branch but its own wings ...

(I got this as a message from one of my junior friend (Aravind) in college at a much needed time, when every happening around me turned out to be uninspiring)

This weeks dosage of inspiration. Couldn't make it on the MMI column. Apologies .


karthik s said...

the story might be small but the message it contains is jus as big as wat u get in a mmi column. cheers. keep going. :)

karthik s said...

and whenever u think everything around u is going bad jus remeber this story:

Anonymous said...

It is such times which help you understand the Reality of life and help you understand people and the world better

ravi said...

'WOW! so nice.. how gud.' this was the firt reaction when i read this post. Belive me, this is the best post i have read in the monday morning inspirations. It's like a great thought said in simple crisp words. What do u say?

ravi said...

btw.. i m robbing this post to put it on mine ;)

Sripriya said...

i already robbed the thought in gtalk custom message.

Vasanthan said...

possibly your shortest post, but very meaningful.