Sunday, 14 August 2011

I'm up for the 10 Day You Challenge - Day 1 of 10

I had come across this 10 Day you challenge Meme a couple of times when I was blog hopping, now when my friend Karthik suggested I take it up I thought it was no better time to be blogging about this and also a better way to keep my blogging spirits up.

I am sure I am gonna love doing this meme, since its gonna give me time for a lot of self realization.. Starting with the biggest challenge - 10 secrets about myself.

1. I am super addicted to Internet and Social Media and have no regrets about it.

2. I hate air conditioners .. I don't mind sweating it out rather than being frozen with cold air.

3. I'm more of a summer person than winter person (thou' Chennai doesn't really have winters)

4. I am totally bad at remembering movie stories .. I can not remember even the entire cast of the movie in many cases .. Sigh my memory ! :p

5. I love to cook, it is just that I have not tried my hands at it yet

6. I can spend my entire day and night blogging or reading

7. I have ended up crying watching dance performances, with the thought of not being able to continue dancing

8. I can stay without mobile and Internet connectivity for weeks together

9. I can never hear an alarm ring when I'm sleeping .. So, if I say I will for sure get up early .. I am just setting my alarm .. You know what to expect ;)

10. Each time when the flight I travel in takes off or lands I wish I was a pilot too, but my wish ends there coz of the severe ear pain I get when the flight nears landing !

Phew .. It took me two long days to come up with this list .. Only making me realize that there aren't many secrets I hold :) :D

I am totally enjoying doing this meme .. watch out for this space in the coming days to know me better :) :)


sheila said...

Hi Shalu
so...this guarantees a post from u everyday for the next 10 days i hope :)
btw...secret no.1....isn't that a well known fact?? ;)

Shalini Gowrisankar said...


Surely you can see lots of posts in the next ten days .. Including a post on our GTG :) :)

Shalini Gowrisankar said...


Abour secret no.1 .. yea it is .. the fact taht I don't regret it is the secret :D

karthik s said...

ha ha i get featured on your blog. i am a celebrity! B) :D
and hey, i remember waking you up in the bus once. u were up in a flash! so i guess the mistake is with the alarm clock :P
and ya, great post as always, GURU. ;D

sheila said...

looking forward to reading your version of our FUN GTG :)

Ravi said...

Good for another ten days i can see someone blogging regularly.. great going.. look forward to it..

Sundar said...

Hey Shalu, enjoyed ur post. Looking forward to your 9 loves :))

Unknown said...

Interesting to read and to know more about u...Keep going! :)

KG said...

Shaloo, all these i know abt you......awaiting more secretz :)

Krish said...

Secret 1 (addicted to internet) and 8 (can stay without internet connectivity) seem contradictory.. :-)

Vasanthan said...

For the ear pain in flight, let me teach you the solution. it is from my diving experience. when you get deeper in the sea or from high up plan is landing the air pressure makes a quick change in a short time. when that happens your ear drums are pushed inwards with the pressure.
Example: "|" "(" ")" refers to the state of your ear drums.

normal state ear drum : |head|
when landing with pressure : Pressure -> )Head(
notice the ear drums pushed inwards.
clamp your nose tightly and shut your mouth tightly. and blow has hard as u can. you may feel a little sharp pain, but just for a split second.
when you are blowing your ear drum feels like this:
(head) ,
Don't worry your ear drums will not burst. although it may feel that way.
keep on doing as the plane does its decent.
it is told that when the plane makes a quick decent it will happen. in a slow gradual decent you will feel nothing.
divers call it, equalizing, to equalize the internal pressure with external pressure.

SATHIYA said...

Good start on 10day blogathon!. I am with you on item #5. On item # 10- chewing a gum helps as well!!!

Shalini Gowrisankar said...


Dude .. you are already one big Celeb .. I'm honored you visit my blog and comment and make me happy and also end up calling me GURU ;)

I wake up when people wake me up but never with alarms or phone calls :) I love my sleep !

Shalini Gowrisankar said...


Coming soon :) :)

Shalini Gowrisankar said...


I wish I too could do it continuously .. Lets see :)

This time the long weekend took me on a trip away from internet and laptop ..

Let the continuos blogging start now :) :)

Shalini Gowrisankar said...


Glad you liked them .. My 9 loves are up :) :)

Shalini Gowrisankar said...


Thanks a lot :) :) I suggest you take up the meme too when you have sometime :)

Shalini Gowrisankar said...


10 secrets avlo than mudinju poiduchu :) :)

Shalini Gowrisankar said...


yup .. self control :) :) I can go on weeks of vacation without all the mobile and internet connectivity .. and then come and upload pics and blog about them all :)

Shalini Gowrisankar said...


Thanks for the detail explanation .. Will try it out the next time on a plane .. There have been couple of instances when I have not had the ear pain during the descent .. Thanks to those pilots for a slow descent :)

Shalini Gowrisankar said...


Thanks a lot !! :) :)

We should try our hands at cooking sometime soon .. who knows we might probably end up being a Master chef ;)

And I will try chewing a gum the next time .. I've tried a toffee but the pain continued ..