Thursday, 10 March 2011

Fun with Family :)

My home which seems so very quite now (considering the fact everyone is sleeping) is soon gonna be filled with talking, playing and all other stuff that happens when relatives get to gether and more so when you have a six year old at home. This makes me think how mischievously cute my cousin was when she was here couple of years ago .. Welcome back Nithila, chitappa and chithi :) :)


sheila said...

There is nothing more joyous than a home filled with family and lots of relatives!!!
Enjoy!!! Have loads of FUN!!!

Unknown said...

We have taught Nithila more. Have fun with since She can talk tamil well now

Shalini Gowrisankar said...


Yea it was absolute fun with everyone around :) :)

Shalini Gowrisankar said...


She talks good tamil and we have been having lots of fun times with her over the weekend :)

Sundar said...

Nithila is all fun :) Enjoy!!

Ask her whether Mountains can talk.
Please report back what she says :)

Shalini Gowrisankar said...


Yup she is total fun!!

Will surely ask her about the mountains, I infact remember her telling something about the mountain story when we said Sundu mama :)