Sunday, 5 September 2010

All the world is a class room

Learning I believe is a continuous process and happens in both a formal environment as well as in an informal one, I personally feel more of learning happens in an informal environment right from the time one is a kid.

On, this very special occassion of teachers day I would like to thank all the people who has taught me or from whom I have learnt things, which at some point in life has made me what I am right now. My family and friends from whom I have learnt things about life and still keep learning. I truly appreciate the support and encouragement that I ve always been showered upon, this is what I feel is still keeping me going.

And ofcourse to all the teachers who have been a part of my life through my school and college days. I am so glad I was able to get in touch with a few of my teachers today and had a good chat with them after a real long time.

Happy Teacher's day! :)


Gowrisankar said...

keep your teacher's network them at least once a year on 5th Sep 2010.

Shalini Gowrisankar said...


Yea.. sure, will keep that in mind :)

Anonymous said...

Be a good Listener . Good Listeners are also good Learners
and they are also blessed with Good Teachers and Mentor which is
Important at any stage in Life.

karthik s said...

very well said,.. we learn so much from everything and everyone around us.. every situation, every success, every failure presents an opportunity to learn. brilliant.. :)

Shalini Gowrisankar said...


Agreed! I wish there comes a time when people start listening to me ;)

Shalini Gowrisankar said...


So true! Life is a learning curve :) Thank you so much :)