Tuesday, 5 January 2010

My best of 2009 !

Yaay.. This is my 400th post ! *proud smile* :)

2009 has already become history and we are into the fresh dawn of 2010. A very happy , prosperous and a successful 2010 to all of you :)

I loved making My best of 2008 post a year ago and ever since then any significant thing that happens in my life I bookmark it in my memory so I could finally put them all together in this very post that I was looking to do.


My 2009 kick started with a wonderful family trip to Jaipur for around a week, to start fresh and rejuvenated for the year ahead.

2009 was the year I started driving the car, this is one thing I'm so proud about thou' its not a big deal to see girls driving on the street these days. I'm so very happy I finally learned what I wanted to for the last 2 years and finally I'm putting my driving skills to use :). 2 other momemts that I always want to remember as a part of 2009 is that I made two highway trips, I got to drive on NH 4 twice on my way to my native place.

It was this year that I got recognised for my paper work which I did along with Dhruv at an International conference in Annamalai University. I definetly owe this to my parents who has helped us out so much on this regard. The travel to the conference and back was a fun trip in itself.

Cressida 09 - our department tech fest in my university saw all of us getting together and organise various events. I was so glad to be handling paper presentation which saw particpants from across various states particiapating. It was one big learning experience I would say.

It was one of those year's where I got to meet almost all of my uncles, aunts and cousins at different parts of the years as each of them had come down to India during variuos parts of the year , making it a very complete 2009 for me :)

Thou' I was not very active in blogsville this year, the Indibloggies ppl knew how to get me on track back by nominating my travel blog among among the top travel blogs in the country and gladly I have been ranked the second in the country :)

I also gave my ielts exam and scored an 8 on 9 - my first step for my aspiration to do my higher studies abroad.

I had a very fulfilling 2009 with both ups and downs like every other year, loved every bit of it. I'm sure there were some moments that were very special to 2009 itself , with relishing every moment of my 2009 and entering into the dawn of 2010 I would like to wish you all a happy 2010 with lots of goodness, proserity , good health and all that you desire. 2010 lets bring it on!

P.S. ( thou' I know we are already 3 weekes into 2010) I so wanted to make this post.. I loved writing every bit of it and wanted it to be an annual post in my blog.


Unknown said...

A good recap of 2009,to add on, we have also met in blogsphere in 09' though not in person :) Ur blog was my first inspiration to start my own public space and slowly it turned into a passion for food and food photography. Now I am kind so so addicted to my space. Rock on as usual and stay in touch!

Sriram JP said...

Good going :)) hope you have lot more to add in 2010!

Akanksha said...

Nice Post!
Happy New Year:)

Antony said...

Nice Post :-)