Thursday, 26 November 2009

Remembering 26/11

With every down fall comes the perseverence to become stronger and act to the best of your abilities to emerge successful. I'm sure our nation has only become stronger from the aghast 26/11 terror attacks in Mumbai which exactly started on this very day last year and lasted for 3 dreadful days.

May the soul of all the brave souls who lost their lives in this mishap R.I.P.


karthik s said...

all those who lost their lives in the 26/11 attack, let their souls rest in peace.. and as a mark of respect, a good number of my batchmates wore white to coll yesterday.. if not shirts, atleast armbands.. it jus shows how united we stand durin times of adversity.. kudos to u for comin up with this post..

Shalini Gowrisankar said...


Thanks :) Good to know about the unity among your batchmates and the thought of marking respect to all the brave souls who were part of the 26/11 mishap.