World's ...
7th Largest country
4th Largest Army
3rd largest Railways
2nd highest population
2nd fastest growing economy
2nd in the production of tea and rice
1st in the production of Mica
World's largest democracy
Super power in 2020 ...
And ofcourse, Abhinav bindra's gold at the Beijing Olympics has set the nation in a joyous mood. With all these and more wishing all Indians a Happy Independance day!!
For those of you who would like to share their appreciation for Abhinav Bindra can do so here (its his blog space)
India's national anthem rendered by a few legendary singers.
Happy Independence day
Wish you the same. A very happy independence day to you too :)
wats to be so happy abt??..ahem ahem?
Happy Independence day!
hey i came across ur blog. as a fellow blogger i kinda like the way you have formatted your page. keep up the good work . and yes let s all rise up to our nation
@Kamal kannan
Yes, of course.. It is our nation rite:)
Thank you :) Wish you the same too!
Thank you so much:) Will visit your space soon.Stay in touch :)
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