Last evening after the celebration of Ayudha pooja at home me , mum and dad set to watch the 3D animation movie UP.
*spoiler alert*
The movie is all about a young couple both adventurists wanting to visit a far away land and
meet one of the renowned explorers of all time .. The couple grow old and unfortunately the expedition could be carried on only by the old man after his wife's death .. and the various incidents that happen and later finding that the renowned explorer is a cheat makes up the story..
The first half of the movie is a drag, but the later half gets over in a jiffy ..
I'm sure the kids will have fun watching it :)
Good Blog
Thanks Inbaraj . Glad to have you at my blog space :) will visit yours soon!
thanks for the spoiler alert.
i am not a great fan of cartoons and i have been busy in the office even on saturdays and sundays. my break will be in bangalore. and when i come by to chennai. cya there!
hey it'l be a nice treat for young kid like u......hehe he
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